Помечая холст
Знаете ли вы, что Мы, Заратустра, Кот, помогали знаменитому американскому мастеру абстрактного импрессионизма Джексону Поллока с его картинами, созданными брызгами краски?

Джексон Поллок, Кот № 1, 1949
Once We came into Jackson studio in a very playful moon
The great artist sat there thinking about something revolutionary so deeply that he didn’t notice Us jumping on the table with cats of paint with the true revolution in Our mind
A giant empty canvas lay down on the floor as seductive as a pile of a human’s business papers or as a fresh sheet to be put on a bed.
With the one genius smash, We pushed down a dozen of buckets and then rolled on the canvas sauced with colorful paints dripping joy around Us with the point of Our magnificent tail
Then we called the artist who sank in his reflections so deeply that noticed nothing:

Jackson Pollock, Cat Number 1, 1949, detail
And at the moment he turned his head and finally noticed what artistic breakthrough We made, and his jaw dropped down, with the last powerful drip of the black paint We finished the painting:

Jackson Pollock, Cat Number 1, 1949, final drip
Do you see a cat in it? We guess no, at least not from the first glance. Usually, when a human sees such an abstract cat, some expressions begin to sound from their mouth, possibly caused by admiration.
That is why this art movement was called «abstract expressionism».
But We really don’t understand why to wash the artist after this? We think this action of admiration is redundant and not necessary.
We should confess that Jackson Pollock washed Us too.
But then he began to use Our dripping method and became so famous because of it
The artist always hid Us in his paintings, so you may see above the true version of his «Number 1, 1949». Then he covered it with final black drip, and if you once visit The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles to see the masterpiece, you should work hard to find Us there!
You already know how We initiated cubism, and now you know the true story of the abstract expressionism
Thus speaks Zarathustra the Cat