How to take a museum selfie with a fat cat
Today is a Museum Selfie Day. We, Zarathustra the Cat, decided to take a selfie in Our beloved Hermitage Museum.
We, being a Fat Cat Emperor of the Universe, deserve something special, a marble selfie in Roman Empire style!
We have heard that a company of Bradley Cooper is essential for taking a successful selfie, but unfortunately there are no Bradley in the Hermitage.
So We were so kind to choose a company of “The Boy with a Bird”, a marble sculpture created in Rome at I century A.D:

The Boy and the Fat Cat taking a selfie. Marble, Ancient Rome, 1st century A.D. From the Hermitage Museum Collection
Ancient romans were real experts in taking emperor quality selfies!
Thanks to and Polina Tverdaya for their help in capture of the milestone in the history of Ancient Rome and the pearl in the Hermitage collection
If you visit the Hermitage, plese don’t forget to make a selfie with other cat-improved paintings!
You should visit Dutch paintings section!
A don’t forget to visit a meowseum cafe!
Thus speaks Zarathusta the Cat